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- Good dimensional stability
- Toughness
- Economical
- Chemical resistant
Product Overview
The pneumatic reservoir is used in the vent engine assembly of Anesthesia Delivery Machine. The reservoir is a chamber that dampens the manifold (pilot) pressure pulses to the exhalation valve. The small quantity of pneumatic flow exhausting through bleed resistor permits the control of the exhalation valve's pilot pressure by modulation of the valve output. The output is routed away from the electrical components to make sure that systems using oxygen drive gas meets the necessary limit for oxygen enrichment. It is made up of Zytel 77G33L, a 33% glass fiber reinforced Nylon which is know for stress and crack resistant. The reservoir is free from noticeable specks,streaks,splay marks,bubbles or scratches.The sealing surface is free of voids, nicks and imperfections. This reservoir is compatible with vent engine assembly of Aespire 7900, Aespire 7100 Anesthesia Delivery Machine.